Since 1998, Quest Services has been a leader in the industry of commercial cleaning & maintenance of all types of flooring, including hard surfaces. Our reliable, qualified and professional staff can provide cleaning & maintenance of hard-surface flooring in Buffalo, NY either daily, weekly or bi-weekly. We use mostly eco-friendly cleaning solutions which are non-hazardous and have the experience to know what the proper chemicals and equipment are for each type of surface. Quest Services has been found to be one of the most affordable commercial floor cleaning companies in the industry.
Commercial Floor Cleaning for Vinyl, Ceramic Tile, Laminate, Porcelain & More in WNY
There are many different materials considered to be hard-surface flooring. This includes ceramic tile, laminate, porcelain, rubber and sheet / luxury vinyl (plus much more). Quest Services provides routine commercial floor cleaning in WNY for vinyl and other surfaces to keep your business or facility clean and germ / bacteria free while extending the life of your floors in high traffic areas.
For more information and a free estimate on our commercial hard-surface floor cleaning and maintenance surfaces in WNY, contact Quest Services today!